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Instructor: JoAnn Lohr
This is a 1 year course focusing on Emergency Medical Care. Students must be 16 years old on the first day of class. This course is an excellent choice for students interested in any healthcare or emergency services career, including: physician, physician assistant, nursing, nurse practitioner, physical therapy, radiology, respiratory therapy, emergency medical services (EMT and/or Paramedic), fire suppression and even law enforcement. Included in this course are supervised observation and patient care experiences with Emergency Medical Services departments. Instruction will be provided in the following areas: detailed anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of disease and injury; medical terminology; and therapeutic patient communication skills.
Students will learn the following: roles and responsibilities of health care providers; medical-legal implications of patient care; patient examination techniques and how to obtain a comprehensive medical history; CPR and use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED); airway and breathing management; oxygen administration; emergency childbirth; and other first aid skills. Successful completion of the program allows the student to take national and state EMT certification examination.